Static typing: beyond the basics of def foo(x: int) -> str:

Vita Smid | EuroPython 2019

July 10, 2019

Vita Vita


Prague Prague


Static typing is still quite new in Python.

Static typing is sometimes difficult.

Static typing helps prevent errors early.

1. Strategy

How to approach a large codebase

2. Tactics

Dealing with complex code

How to approach a large codebase

Try to start with strict configuration

  1. Ensure full coverage
    disallow_untyped_calls = True
    disallow_untyped_defs = True
    disallow_incomplete_defs = True
    disallow_untyped_decorators = True
  2. Restrict dynamic typing (a little)
    disallow_any_generics = True      # e.g. `x: List[Any]` or `x: List`
    disallow_subclassing_any = True
    warn_return_any = True            # From functions not declared
                                      # to return Any.
  3. Know exactly what you're doing
    warn_redundant_casts = True
    warn_unused_ignores = True
    warn_unused_configs = True

Gradual coverage

Begin with opt-in: only explicitly listed modules are checked.

$ mypy models/ lib/cache/ dev/tools/

Add this command to your CI pipeline and gradually grow that list.

Tip: try an internal hackathon.

Opt-in and imports

ignore_missing_imports = True
follow_imports = silent
We used follow_imports = skip before. Terrible idea.

Getting to opt-out

$ mypy

ignore_errors = True
ignore_errors = True
Now you work to gradually reduce that list.


  1. Cut yourself some slack
    disallow_untyped_decorators = True # pytest decorators are untyped.
    disallow_untyped_defs = False      # Properly typing *all* fixtures
    disallow_incomplete_defs = False   # and tests is hard and noisy.
  2. # type: ignore your way around mocks and monkey patching
  3. Don't give up on test code completely.

Your own packages

Inline type annotations in packages are not checked by default.

You need to add a py.typed marker file (PEP 561):

$ touch your_package/py.typed

  package_data = {
    'your_package': ['py.typed'],

Third-party packages

  • You might have to write stubs for third-party packages
  • You might want to ignore them completely
    ignore_missing_imports = True
    follow_imports = silent
  • You might want to ignore just some of them
    ignore_missing_imports = True
    follow_imports = silent

Dealing with complex code

Generics and type variables

$$ \text{WeightedAverage} = \frac{ \text{value}_0 \cdot \text{weight}_0 + \text{value}_1 \cdot \text{weight}_1 + ... } { \text{weight}_0 + \text{weight}_1 + ... } $$

class WeightedAverage:
  def __init__(self) -> None:
    self._premultiplied_values = 0.0
    self._total_weight = 0.0

  def add(self, value: float, weight: float) -> None:
    self._premultiplied_values += value * weight
    self._total_weight += weight

  def get(self) -> float:
    if not self._total_weight:
      return 0.0
    return self._premultiplied_values / self._total_weight
This of course works…

avg = WeightedAverage()
avg.add(3.2, 1)
avg.add(7.1, 0.1)
reveal_type(avg.get()) # Revealed type is 'builtins.float'
…and this, of course, does not:

from decimal import Decimal
avg = WeightedAverage()
avg.add(Decimal('3.2'), Decimal(1))
# error: Argument 1 to "add" of "WeightedAverage"
#     has incompatible type "Decimal"; expected "float"
# error: Argument 2 to "add" of "WeightedAverage"
#     has incompatible type "Decimal"; expected "float"

Type variables with restriction

from typing import cast, Generic, TypeVar
from decimal import Decimal

AlgebraType = TypeVar('AlgebraType', float, Decimal)

class WeightedAverage(Generic[AlgebraType]):
  _ZERO = cast(AlgebraType, 0)

  def __init__(self) -> None:
    self._premultiplied_values: AlgebraType = self._ZERO
    self._total_weight: AlgebraType = self._ZERO

  def add(self, value: AlgebraType, weight: AlgebraType) -> None:
    self._premultiplied_values += value * weight
    self._total_weight += weight

  def get(self) -> AlgebraType:
    if not self._total_weight:
      return self._ZERO
    return self._premultiplied_values / self._total_weight

avg1 = WeightedAverage[float]()
avg1.add(3.2, 1)
avg1.add(7.1, 0.1)
reveal_type(avg1.get()) # Revealed type is 'builtins.float*'

avg2 = WeightedAverage[Decimal]()
avg2.add(Decimal('3.2'), Decimal(1))
avg2.add(Decimal('7.1'), Decimal('0.1'))
reveal_type(avg2.get()) # Revealed type is 'decimal.Decimal*'
Types cannot be mixed 👍

avg3 = WeightedAverage[Decimal]()
avg3.add(Decimal('3.2'), 1.1)
# error: Argument 2 to "add" of "WeightedAverage"
#     has incompatible type "float"; expected "Decimal"
Using a bounded type variable would be even nicer…

AlgebraType = TypeVar('AlgebraType', bound=numbers.Real)

Unfortunately, abstract number types do not play well with typing yet.

mypy#3186 int is not a Number?

nominal typing vs. structural typing

Nominal typing: class inheritance as usual

class Animal:

class Duck(Animal):
  def quack(self) -> None:

def make_it_quack(animal: Duck) -> None:

make_it_quack(Duck()) # ✔︎

class Penguin(Animal):
  def quack(self) -> None:

make_it_quack(Penguin()) # error: Argument 1 to "make_it_quack" has
                         # incompatible type "Penguin"; expected "Duck"

Structural typing: describe capabilities, not ancestry

from typing_extensions import Protocol

class CanQuack(Protocol):
  def quack(self) -> None:

def make_it_quack(animal: CanQuack) -> None:

make_it_quack(Duck()) # ︎︎︎︎✔︎
make_it_quack(Penguin()) # ︎︎︎︎✔︎
Note that we didn't even have to inherit from CanQuack!

Defining your own types

The case for custom types

def place_order(price: Decimal, quantity: Decimal) -> None:
If we could differentiate between a 'price decimal' and 'quantity decimal'…

def place_order(price: Price, quantity: Quantity) -> None:
  1. More readable code
  2. Hard to accidentally mix them up

Option 1: Type aliases

from decimal import Decimal
Price = Decimal
p = Price('12.3')

reveal_type(p) # Revealed type is 'decimal.Decimal'
Aliases save typing and make for easier reading, but do not really create new types.

Option 2: NewType

from typing import NewType
from decimal import Decimal

Price = NewType('Price', Decimal)
Quantity = NewType('Quantity', Decimal)

p = Price(Decimal('12.3'))
reveal_type(p) # Revealed type is 'module.Price' 👍

def f(price: Price) -> None: pass

f(Decimal('12.3')) # Argument 1 to "f" has incompatible type "Decimal";
                   # expected "Price" 👍
f(Quantity(Decimal('12.3'))) # Argument 1 to "f" has incompatible
                             # type "Quantity"; expected "Price" 👍
NewType works as long as you don't modify the values:

reveal_type(p * 3) # Revealed type is 'decimal.Decimal'
reveal_type(p + p) # Revealed type is 'decimal.Decimal'
reveal_type(p / 1) # Revealed type is 'decimal.Decimal'
reveal_type(p + Decimal('0.1')) # Revealed type is 'decimal.Decimal'

Writing your own mypy plugins

Here be dragons

Documentation and working examples are scarce

Check out our plugin: 170 lines of code and 350 lines of comments

Overloading functions

s = Series[int]([2, 6, 8, 1, -7])
s[0] + 5 # ✔︎
sum(s[2:4]) # ✔︎

from typing import Generic, overload, Sequence, TypeVar, Union

ValueType = TypeVar('ValueType')
class Series(Generic[ValueType]):
  def __init__(self, data: Sequence[ValueType]):
    self._data = data

  def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> ValueType:

  def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Sequence[ValueType]:
  def __getitem__(
    index: Union[int, slice]
  ) -> Union[ValueType, Sequence[ValueType]]:
    return self._data[index]
  1. Try to use strict(er) configuration
  2. Cover your code gradually
  3. Learn to work with generics
  4. Use protocols for duck typing
  5. NewType can add semantics
  6. Writing plugins will surely get easier over time
  7. Overloading is verbose but makes sense

Thank you