def foo(x: int) -> str:
Static typing is still quite new in Python.
Static typing is sometimes difficult.
Static typing helps prevent errors early.
How to approach a large codebase
Dealing with complex code
disallow_untyped_calls = True
disallow_untyped_defs = True
disallow_incomplete_defs = True
disallow_untyped_decorators = True
disallow_any_generics = True # e.g. `x: List[Any]` or `x: List`
disallow_subclassing_any = True
warn_return_any = True # From functions not declared
# to return Any.
warn_redundant_casts = True
warn_unused_ignores = True
warn_unused_configs = True
$ mypy models/ lib/cache/ dev/tools/
Add this command to your CI pipeline and gradually grow that list.
Tip: try an internal hackathon.
ignore_missing_imports = True
follow_imports = silent
follow_imports = skip
before. Terrible idea.
$ mypy
ignore_errors = True
ignore_errors = True
disallow_untyped_decorators = True # pytest decorators are untyped.
disallow_untyped_defs = False # Properly typing *all* fixtures
disallow_incomplete_defs = False # and tests is hard and noisy.
# type: ignore
your way around mocks and monkey patching
Inline type annotations in packages are not checked by default.
marker file (PEP 561):
$ touch your_package/py.typed
package_data = {
'your_package': ['py.typed'],
ignore_missing_imports = True
follow_imports = silent
ignore_missing_imports = True
follow_imports = silent
class WeightedAverage:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._premultiplied_values = 0.0
self._total_weight = 0.0
def add(self, value: float, weight: float) -> None:
self._premultiplied_values += value * weight
self._total_weight += weight
def get(self) -> float:
if not self._total_weight:
return 0.0
return self._premultiplied_values / self._total_weight
avg = WeightedAverage()
avg.add(3.2, 1)
avg.add(7.1, 0.1)
reveal_type(avg.get()) # Revealed type is 'builtins.float'
from decimal import Decimal
avg = WeightedAverage()
avg.add(Decimal('3.2'), Decimal(1))
# error: Argument 1 to "add" of "WeightedAverage"
# has incompatible type "Decimal"; expected "float"
# error: Argument 2 to "add" of "WeightedAverage"
# has incompatible type "Decimal"; expected "float"
from typing import cast, Generic, TypeVar
from decimal import Decimal
AlgebraType = TypeVar('AlgebraType', float, Decimal)
class WeightedAverage(Generic[AlgebraType]):
_ZERO = cast(AlgebraType, 0)
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._premultiplied_values: AlgebraType = self._ZERO
self._total_weight: AlgebraType = self._ZERO
def add(self, value: AlgebraType, weight: AlgebraType) -> None:
self._premultiplied_values += value * weight
self._total_weight += weight
def get(self) -> AlgebraType:
if not self._total_weight:
return self._ZERO
return self._premultiplied_values / self._total_weight
avg1 = WeightedAverage[float]()
avg1.add(3.2, 1)
avg1.add(7.1, 0.1)
reveal_type(avg1.get()) # Revealed type is 'builtins.float*'
avg2 = WeightedAverage[Decimal]()
avg2.add(Decimal('3.2'), Decimal(1))
avg2.add(Decimal('7.1'), Decimal('0.1'))
reveal_type(avg2.get()) # Revealed type is 'decimal.Decimal*'
avg3 = WeightedAverage[Decimal]()
avg3.add(Decimal('3.2'), 1.1)
# error: Argument 2 to "add" of "WeightedAverage"
# has incompatible type "float"; expected "Decimal"
AlgebraType = TypeVar('AlgebraType', bound=numbers.Real)
Unfortunately, abstract number types do not play well with typing yet.
class Animal:
class Duck(Animal):
def quack(self) -> None:
def make_it_quack(animal: Duck) -> None:
make_it_quack(Duck()) # ✔︎
class Penguin(Animal):
def quack(self) -> None:
make_it_quack(Penguin()) # error: Argument 1 to "make_it_quack" has
# incompatible type "Penguin"; expected "Duck"
from typing_extensions import Protocol
class CanQuack(Protocol):
def quack(self) -> None:
def make_it_quack(animal: CanQuack) -> None:
make_it_quack(Duck()) # ︎︎︎︎✔︎
make_it_quack(Penguin()) # ︎︎︎︎✔︎
Note that we didn't even have to inherit from CanQuack
def place_order(price: Decimal, quantity: Decimal) -> None:
def place_order(price: Price, quantity: Quantity) -> None:
from decimal import Decimal
Price = Decimal
p = Price('12.3')
reveal_type(p) # Revealed type is 'decimal.Decimal'
Aliases save typing and make for easier reading, but do not really create new types.
from typing import NewType
from decimal import Decimal
Price = NewType('Price', Decimal)
Quantity = NewType('Quantity', Decimal)
p = Price(Decimal('12.3'))
reveal_type(p) # Revealed type is 'module.Price' 👍
def f(price: Price) -> None: pass
f(Decimal('12.3')) # Argument 1 to "f" has incompatible type "Decimal";
# expected "Price" 👍
f(Quantity(Decimal('12.3'))) # Argument 1 to "f" has incompatible
# type "Quantity"; expected "Price" 👍
works as long as you don't modify the values:
reveal_type(p * 3) # Revealed type is 'decimal.Decimal'
reveal_type(p + p) # Revealed type is 'decimal.Decimal'
reveal_type(p / 1) # Revealed type is 'decimal.Decimal'
reveal_type(p + Decimal('0.1')) # Revealed type is 'decimal.Decimal'
pluginsDocumentation and working examples are scarce
Check out our plugin: 170 lines of code and 350 lines of comments
s = Series[int]([2, 6, 8, 1, -7])
s[0] + 5 # ✔︎
sum(s[2:4]) # ✔︎
from typing import Generic, overload, Sequence, TypeVar, Union
ValueType = TypeVar('ValueType')
class Series(Generic[ValueType]):
def __init__(self, data: Sequence[ValueType]):
self._data = data
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> ValueType:
def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Sequence[ValueType]:
def __getitem__(
index: Union[int, slice]
) -> Union[ValueType, Sequence[ValueType]]:
return self._data[index]
can add semantics